In Mark 13:1-9, Jesus urges His disciples to blepete—a Greek word evoking readiness and bold anticipation, like a runner poised to spring. Inspired by this, Christ Church’s Stewardship Team has chosen "It’s Go Time!" as this year’s Commitment Sunday theme on November 17. This annual celebration invites members to prayerfully consider their financial commitment for 2025, embracing a dynamic blepete to support our church’s expanding ministries: growing hospitality efforts, new additions to children & youth ministry, outreach initiatives, staff diversity, and deeper partnerships. With prayer, discernment, and generosity, members are encouraged to join in this year’s “GO,” supporting Christ Church’s vibrant mission in the coming year.
On Sunday November 17, we will give an opportunity for those planning on giving to Christ Church in 2025 to bring their commitment forward during the service.