Beloved Community

A Christ Church Circle for the Ongoing Work of Dismantling Racism

Beloved Community Day Retreat
Saturday, February 8, from 10:00am to 2:30pm
The Beloved Community circle is hosting a day retreat open to anyone interested from the CCNYC community and beyond. Sandhya Jha (minister, organizer, and author of Pre-Post-Racial America: Spiritual Stories from the Front Lines) will lead us in an opportunity to withdraw from our normal lives and engage together in workshop, worship, and hands-on exploration of what it looks to faithfully engage in the practice of anti-racism in a pre-post-racial society. 

The day retreat schedule will be as follows:

  • 10:00am: Welcome & Refreshments

  • 10:30am: Workshop

  • 12:00pm: Lunch

  • 1:00pm: Worship

  • 2:00pm: Closing Circle.