Faith Forum Bible Study

Have you ever wanted to participate in a Bible study where  you could dive deep into scripture, but all of your questions and doubts were also welcome? If so, Faith Forum is for you.

Several times a year Director of Spiritual Formation, Rev. Tyler Heston, Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Eric Park and others, lead this exciting group through challenging topics which have included: the nature of suffering, the Christian understanding of justice, and many more.

SUNDAYS This Fall at 10AM
4th Floor


An In-depth Study of Scripture.


Fall Sunday Morning Faith Forum
(facilitated by our Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Eric Park)
The New Testament Book of Acts: A Bible Study

This Fall Faith Forum (facilitated by our Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Eric Park) begins on Sunday, September 22 and continues each Sunday through November 3.

Each session begins at 10:00 a.m. and concludes by 10:50 a.m. (Join us following the 9:00 worship service or before the 11:00 worship service.) The Faith Forum will be held in the fourth floor conference room.

The Book of Acts tells the dynamic, complex, engaging, and compelling story of the early church, its growth, and its efforts to respond to the transforming work of God’s Holy Spirit.

Join us for these weekly conversations about the church’s unique history and what that history communicates about the redemptive activity of God and perhaps even the contemporary ministry of the church.

The companion resource for this Faith Forum will be a book entitled, “Acts: Catching Up With the Spirit” written by biblical scholar Matthew L. Skinner. We will begin to use the book in the second session of the study. The book can be purchased through Amazon and other online outlets.