New Member ProfilePlease take a few moments and tell us more about you and your interest in joining Christ Church. Name * First Name Last Name Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Profession/Occupation Spouse/Children Name(s), if applicable Have you been baptized? * Yes No Church & location of baptism What religion, if any, were you raised in? * What aspects of Methodism do you find attractive/meaningful? * How would you state the mission of Christ Church? * What attracts you to Christ Church? * In what area of your life are you looking to grow? * What are your thoughts on the nature/importance of Christian community? * Do you feel ready to join Christ Church & take membership vows? * Yes Not yet, I need more information Are you interested in participating in the next Joining Sunday? * YEs Not at this time I would like more information I am prepared to make a pledge commitment My pledge amount is: $ My pledge is Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annual Thank you for filling out your new member profile! We look forward to learning more about you.You will be contacted with details on your next steps. If you have any questions, please contact Brandon Batson, Director of Communications and Connections.