An Informational Session on Current Happenings in the United Methodist Church (facilitated by Rev. Dr. Eric Park)—Wednesday, May 24th, 6:30 PM. (ZOOM ONLY).
In recent years, the United Methodist denomination (of which Christ Church is part) has experienced a deep and continuing division over the denomination’s position and teaching concerning human sexuality, and, in particular, the LGBTQIA+ community. Since Rev. Dr. Park has received multiple inquiries about this matter in recent weeks, he is facilitating this informational session in the hope that it will accomplish two things: first, clarify participants’ understanding of the current situation in the United Methodist Church; and, second, reaffirm loudly Christ Church’s strong and public stance as a Reconciling Congregation—one that advocates boldly for the full welcome, inclusion, affirmation, protection, and nurture of LGBTQIA+ persons in every segment of the church’s ministry.
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